Announcement: DeFiGEM, a futuristic DeFi ecosystem

4 min readOct 14, 2020

TL;DR DeFiGEM utilizing ethereum blockchain to build a next-gen DeFi management platform. You can earn a high yield with DGEM & GGEM. DGEM is the regular erc-20 token for the platform, GGEM is the governance token. Presale opening soon.

DeFiGem is a futuristic DeFi ecosystem hosting a series of DeFi protocols within the ecosystem. We aim to build several platforms including lending and borrowing crypto assets, decentralized automated market marking (AMM), and NFT creation service on the ethereum blockchain. We also want to keep the door open to switch our platform to our mainnet in the future. We have our own token, DGEM. We aim to make this token more than a real gem with a limited supply of 210,000. That’s 100x less than the Bitcoin max supply.

DeFiGem enables users to lend and borrow crypto assets in a decentralized environment. Users can earn interest on the deposit and borrow synthetic assets. We have a plan to support USDT, DAI, ETH, BTC, and most other well-established blockchain tokens. We will be very choosy to make sure our user’s fund security and avoid high volatile tokens that can have a significant change in a short time frame.

DeFiGem Finance focusing on simplicity, user experience, privacy, and global adoption. It provides a classical way to optimally earn a yield on assets through its series of products.

To develop a robust DeFiGem platform, and most importantly to encourage early investors and supporters, the DeFiGem team has decided to organize a presale of DeFiGem (DGEM) Token.

For smooth and secure participation, the DeFiGem team has organized to sell the presale on, a decentralized auction platform that introduces competitiveness in token swapping. To make it even more interesting to the investors we might have a short time private-sale with a small quantity of token amount, keep posted on our blog and social profile for the announcement so you don’t miss it.

DeFiGem Finance team wants to create an exclusive DeFi environment where users can earn in a permissionless way while they sleep. DeFiGem shall be a platform for the people, by the people, therefore there will be a Governance token that takes control of DeFiGEM. The default token of the platform is DGEM, opening on presale soon. Holders of DGEM token earns GGEM token (governance token), the reward at 100:1 ratio. GGEM can only be accrued by holding DGEM, no exception. DGEM token max supply is 210,000 while GGEM is only 2,100 max supply. DeFiGEM team will occasionally buy GGEM and burn to reduce its supply. Within this week, we will publish more details on the project and token use case, so that you can understand how investors going to be benefitted by investing early in DGEM token.

DeFiGem Primary Features

  • Yield Farming
  • Lend and borrow crypto asset
  • Earn interest on the deposit and borrow
  • Staking rewards (20% APR, 12 months)
  • NFT minting service
  • GGEM governance token reward for holding DGEM token.

DGEM token info

DGEM is an erc-20 native token for DeFiGEM platform built on ethereum blockchain. This token will bring a lot of advantages to the platform users like earning yields, getting discounts, staking rewards, farming new project tokens, etc.

Token Specification

  • Token Name: DeFiGem
  • Token Ticker: DGEM
  • Total Supply: 210,000 DGEM
  • Available for Presale: 70% of the total supply
  • Uniswap liquidity: 70% (Fund raised)
  • Uniswap Listing Price: 1 ETH = 60 DGEM

DGEM token presale announcement

DeFiGem team set three rounds of DGEM presale. Presale dates are yet to announce, please keep your eyes on our blog posts. Once a round is finished, the next round starts immediately (subject to announce). DeFiGem Token (DGEM) will be distributed immediately after contribution through


40,000 DGEM will be distributed on this round
Token price: 1 ETH = 300 DGEM
Minimal purchase: 0.10 ETH
Duration: 5 days

*Unsold token goes to next round


50,000 DGEM will be distributed on this round
Token price: 1 ETH = 120 DGEM
Minimal purchase: 0.10 ETH
Start: Immediately after ROUND 1 ends.
Duration: 5 days

*Unsold token goes to next round


50000 DGEM will be distributed on this round
Token price: 1 ETH = 80 DGEM
Minimal purchase: 0.1 ETH
Start: Immediately ROUND 2 ends.
Duration: 5 days

*Any unsold token from the previous round will be added to this round. Any unsold token goes to platform development necessary.

Token allocation

  • DGEM token max supply is 210,000.
  • 71.42% presale (150,000)
  • 14.29% marketing, future marketing, bounty (30,000)
  • 14.29% staking reward (30,000)
  • 0% for team members, but team members can purchase a token in presale individually which shall disclose transparently.

DGEM staking gets additional reward for the first 12 months of staking program starts. 20% APR shall be rewarded to the loyal stakers, 30,000 DGEM token is reserved for this program. After 12 months, any thresholds DGEM will be burnt.

Fund Utilization Plan

  • DeFiGem (DGEM) token will be listed on Uniswap after the presale.
  • 70% of the raised funds after presale will be locked in Uniswap liquidity.
  • 15% of the raised funds shall be used to buyback and burn DGEM tokens after presale. This action will prevent people from dumping.
  • 15% of raised funds after the presale would be used for listing on more exchanges, marketing & promotion, and development.
  • DeFiGem (DGEM) token will be listed on Coinmarketcap (CMC), and other exchanges such as Probit, Balancer, Binance, FTX, and more as soon as it goes live on Uniswap.

How to participate in the presale?

It’s not yet started, follow us for updated news. Instructions to participate in the DGEM presale will be announced very soon. Presale will be on bounce finance platform, we will announce a detail guide when it goes live. Before we start presale, we will have a small private-sale round, join our telegram to participate.

Visit DeFiGEM, Follow twitter or join telegram for more info. Have a business query? Send us an email

** Originally Posted On LeoFinance Beta

